THE JPG. CHALLENGE “the lucky 13”

messy desk
Over your Spring break I want you to continue to
So I am giving you a very short but easily accomplished assignment: take a few minutes a day and take photographs of the following 13 subjects with camera or phone :
1. Household tools
2. Glasses or bottles filled with a liquid with light behind it
3. Food
4. Objects with a shine
5. Inside a closet
6. Messy desk
7. The street
8. Looking through a …?(your choice)
9. The bathroom
10. The kitchen sink
11. Looking around the corner
12. A messy drawer, partly open
13. In the mirror
You will post these pictures on your blog IN NUMBERED ORDER as above.
You will be graded on ORIGINALITY and CREATIVITY as they apply to lighting, viewpoint, and thought provoking ideas. ie, Can you show the commonplace to the world and have us see it in a new or different way? Hint: extreme closeup works very well on these subjects.
PICTURES 7pts a piece
Due by the day we get back no late turn-ins .if not done you get a 0


household tools

glasses with light behind