Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Use the list of artists below to find a painter who inspires you . Find someone whose paint application is interesting or appealing. Pick someone you are NOT familiar with.
Create a 2 page spread
Select your painter from the list of artists below. These painters are known for their MARKS!
Diego Velazquez- James Abbot Whistler -  Eugene Delacroix    -   Mary Cassatt      John Singer Sargent -  Berthe Morosot - Richard Diebenkorn  -Pissarro            Wayne Thiebaud  - Robert Henri   - El Greco  -  Fairfield Porter -    Rubens -       Alice Neel  -  Eduard Manet (not Monet)   - Paul Cezanne - Edward Munch   Hasegawa Tohaku (Japanese
Find an image for each on line and make an artists FILE.  
Create your  2 page spread  
A  In  your book complete a spread that includes the following :
1.      A large heading with the artist’s name (how or where is up to you ,just make sure it is clearly visible and  ARTFUL.
2.      A short biography -3-5 sentences of MOST  relevant background.
3.     And interpretation of the artwork – what ideas ,moods story are being communicated? 2-3 sentences
4.     An acrylic, watercolor, oil pastel, or tempera painting NOT OIL in that artists’ style (YOUR interpretation of their work)
B   Rate your work on a Scale of 6-10
_______craftsmanship     ________included a printed image
_______created a picture file    _______USED BRUSHWORK/MARKMAKING inspired by artist
______Artful design of layout ________unified color and design ________Effort evident
________     Thorough written reflections